In the Cruz-Martin lab, we are committed to supporting long-term projects for graduate students and postdocs.
Alberto's CV (Click on the Icon)
- PI Cruz-Martín has a strong track record of securing funding to support students and postdocs to develop long-term projects. As a member of the lab, your research will be funded by a Department of Anesthesiology start-up, the NeuroTechnology Center, and an NIH grant for up to five years or, if possible, until the projects are completed.
- While Cruz-Martín has received federal funding, it has a longstanding history of obtaining funding through academic industry collaborations to develop drug discovery projects. One exciting advantage of industry projects is that they provide students and postdocs with the unique opportunity to observe research outside of academia and to network.
- We welcome new independent research ideas and projects from students and postdocs, and we are committed to providing long-term funding for those that address fundamental questions in biology. Some of the current directions in the lab were originally proposed as projects by first-year graduate students and research technicians.
- Below is a list of my funding sources. Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have.
Current Grants
06/2024 - Present - Start-up funds, The Dept. of Anesthesiology at The U. of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus (Cruz-Martín, PI), Total: Undisclosed amount
06/2024 - Present - Start-up funds, The NeuroTechnology Center (NTC) at The U. of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus (Cruz-Martín, PI), Total: Undisclosed amount
05/2022-04/2027 - 1R01 MH129732-01 NIH (Cruz-Martín, PI) “Functional heterogeneity of vasoactive intestinal peptide-expressing interneurons in the anterior cingulate cortex”, Direct costs: $1,250,000.00, F&A: $812,500.00, Total: $2,062,500.00
Previous Grants
01/2020-11/2023 - R01EB029171-02 NIH (Mertz, PI; Cruz-Martín, Co-Inv) “Fast, large-scale neuronal imaging with multi-z confocal microscopy“, Direct Costs: $180,000.00, F&A: $117,000.00, Total: $297,000.00
04/2021-04/2022 - Industry grant #55208882 Alector Inc. (Cruz-Martín, PI) “An in vivo gene transfer model to test the effects of experimental monoclonal antibody therapies on complement-mediated synaptic loss”, Direct costs: $105,573.00, F&A: $68,623.00, Total: $174,196.00 (With full indirect costs)
01/2021-08/2022 - 1R01HL150432-01 NIH (Logan PI; Cruz-Martín, Co-inv) “Cell-Type Specific Role of Circadian-Dependent Transcription in Fentanyl-Induced Synaptic and Behavioral Plasticity”, Direct costs: $13,730.00, F&A: $8924.00, Total: $22,654.00
01/2019-02/2021 - Industry grant #979338 Biogen Inc. (Cruz-Martín, PI) “In Vivo Dissection of the Effect of AMPA-PAM on the Excitatory/Inhibitory Balance of Cortical Neurons”, Direct costs: $100,000.00, F&A: $65,000, Total: $165,000.00 (With full indirect costs)
01/2019-01/2020 - Brain & Behavior Research Foundation, Young Investigator Grants #55206683(Cruz-Martín, PI) “The Role of Complement Component 4 in Cortical Developmental Dynamics”, Direct costs: $70,000, F&A: $0, Total: $70,000
04/2018-04/2023 - Industry grant #55206943 Biogen/Ionis (Cruz-Martín, PI) “Elucidating the Role of the Complement System in the Pathophysiology of Schizophrenia”, Direct costs: $240,000.00, F&A: $156,000.00, Total: $396,000.00 (With full indirect costs)